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Essay/Term paper: Personal writing: bad teacher

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Literary Essays

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Personal Writing: Bad Teacher

When I was younger, I had a teacher named HAIBUS who was really mean to me. She
was my fourth grade teacher. During that year with her, I got hurt a lot from
falling on the playground; as a result, I often went to the nurse's office.
After going there a couple of times, over a two-week period, she told me that I
couldn't go anymore, but I sneaked passed her and went anyway. A week later, I
got hurt again, so I snuck past her again even though she had told me not to go.
That afternoon, she insulted me in front of everybody in the class; thus, I
thought of her as a mean witch. Later that school year, I accidentally placed my
finger in the doorway and someone slammed it without knowing my finger was there.
She didn't care; therefore, she didn't tell me what to do. Consequently, I had
to hold the two parts of my finger and run upstairs alone. Even though it hurt a
lot, I was happy to be away from Mrs. HAIBUS, the "witch", for a couple of weeks.


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